Steam trap monitoring utilizes IoT-enabled sensors to monitor and alert administrators to steam trap failures, preventing equipment damage, lowering operating costs, and minimizing loss of product.
Manual steam trap monitoring requires employees physically checking each steam trap in a facility, a costly and time-consuming process that often means that steam traps are checked only once a year. This means that, if an issue occurs shortly after a manual audit, it may go unaddressed for nearly a year – all the while, causing dangerous pressure build-ups and affecting both fuel costs and the lifespan of the steam traps themselves. Unaddressed steam traps can result in damage to equipment causing unscheduled shut-downs and thousands of dollars in repairs.
A 2013 study by Emerson found that failure rates of steam traps are between 15 and 20 percent each year, with failures resulting in danger to employees, potential damage to equipment, and damage to the product.
Steam trap monitoring solutions offer facilities a cheaper and more reliable way to ensure that steam traps are functioning properly. By monitoring a steam trap’s performance every fifteen seconds, through a probe or sleeve over the trap, monitoring systems can send an immediate alert to administrators – so they can be corrected immediately, rather than when the next manual audit occurs.